Patrick Wolf 和 Destroyer 的一些记录

Patrick Wolf & Derek Jarman。Dan Bejar & Kara Walker。你欣赏的人往往和你欣赏相同的人。说明口味接近。

Patrick Wolf & Derek Jarman

Patrick Wolf 新 Video House 带有 Derek Jarman 风格。小木屋,滴水的屋顶,木桌,桌上的书页,Patrick Wolf 自己坐在桌边。茂盛的草木。鲜艳版本的the Garden。包括歌词:

So let seasons turn
Grow paradise garden
Oh, this is the greatest peace I’ve known
Oh, the greatest peace I’ve ever known
Oh, the love makes this house a home

这绝非偶然。今年 Patrick Wolf 在接受《独立报》(independent)采访时说:

I’ve had Derek Jarman’s ‘Chroma’ in my pocket for about ten years! I find it very inspiring when writing lyrics

他随身携带Derek Jarman的Chroma已经10年了。并且从中吸取了很多灵感。


I grew up with Derek Jarman films and Sally Potter’s Orlando was one of the most important films for me when I was a teenager.

他说 Derek Jarman 的电影伴随着他长大。那么基本上 Patrick Wolf 算 Tilda Swinton 的影迷?歌词里还提到了Dylan Thomas。不过很明显的,Patrick Wolf 把前辈的作品通俗化了,诗意明显不如前辈。到 Woozy 无解网 上看 Patrick Wolf 最新 Video

Dan Bejar & Kara Walker

另一个巧合出现在 Destroyer 非常棒的新专辑 Kaputt 中。新专辑有首歌叫 Suicide Demo for Kara Walker。Kara Walker是一位出色的女艺术家。她的作品来过上海展出,我曾在2009年日志要泡泡糖还是要残酷现实中表达了对她的喜爱。Dan Bejar 取这个标题什么意思呢?他和 Kara Walker 什么关系呢?原来,这是一首受到 Kara Walker 启发的歌曲。而Suicide,自杀,指代杰出的 Post-punk 乐队 Suicide,Dan 感觉这首歌有Suicide的音乐风格。参见American Songwriter今年的采访。

The term of the title is that it just describes what the song was. Which is when I first recorded it, it sounded like maybe a shitty demo that the band Suicide might have done. And it was for a song co-written by Kara Walker, but I had a different treatment of the song, a more fleshed out one, even back then, that I had demoed. It just kind of stuck with me. I wanted to blow it out, and so then I just started thinking of the title. I really liked the title of the song, I really wanted to use the song. I had to start thinking of the title more, and keeping with what the words actually meant. Suicide, meaning killing yourself, was about Suicide the band. Demo, meaning a demonstration, as opposed to demo, as in a rough version of a song that you would then record for real for a record company. And then the meaning of “for” and “Kara” and “Walker” would stay the same.

Dan Bejar 给出的感觉和 Kara Walker 的作品——那些关于美国黑人的、有历史和宗教背景的沉重主题——显然完全不一样。另一种诠释,更容易接受。而且实话实说,此歌甚至不算新专辑里最好的歌,着实完美的专辑。

Try: Suicide Demo for Kara Walker by Destroyer